Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's a miracle at twinight1 !!!

Solicity Sock Monkey presents...

The Who's Who on Ebay Blog

This is just so awesome!
A genuine miracle!
Can you see the image of Jim Hendrix on
twinight1's piece
of toast?

I see it PERFECTLY! This item just leaves me speechless. Okay maybe I'm just choking from laughter but still...

Seriously though what this too cool seller is most known for is JEWELRY.

This pair of Sterling Silver and Marcasite Stud Earrings is beautiful and priced at only $8.00.

This Sterling Silver and Cubic Zirconia Heart Necklace can be yours for just $12.00.

So while you are paying homage to Jimmy check out the bling bling that is surrounding his aura!

Twi's Jewels eBay Store

1 comment:

GraficWorld said...

Good blog..good day to you.