Monday, November 19, 2007

Update on Charly

I'm happy to say that both her parents are working new jobs in their new town and that they have just rented a home that allows them to keep their beloved large dogs with them there. It's small but cozy and secluded. A safe haven was the number one goal and it is our hope that they have found such a place.

Charly isn't the same child she was before but with each passing day we see glimmers of her finding the freedom to be a child again. I hate that their world had to become smaller as a result of this attack.

The continuing of this blog is dedicated always to this special little girl and to what this family has been through as a whole and to help raise awareness. It is our strong belief that sharing their story openly will help another child. So many victims are made to subdue their feelings. To be quiet and never talk about it. That brings such a needless burden on a child! They need to know it wasn't their fault nor do they have anything to be ashamed of. That it's okay to let their emotions out to heal and overcome.

In continuing service
to all of our wonderful sponsors and with tremendous appreciation I will continue to give of my time to run this blog. And although they are past the immediate crisis will continue to bless them through it. Charly still deserves a million kisses! She is after all my grandchild!

»(¯`v´¯)-»THANKS A MILLION!!! XOXOXO»(¯`v´¯)-»

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