Tuesday, December 2, 2008

SCENE TWO As the Blog Churns Soap Opera

mypinkmimosa's eBay blog


Narrator: Because the feud between the Blog and the Troll family's resulted in so many massacres only two men remain living today on Scotsblog Mountain.

Rhett, who is married to that strange sister to John Boy, Scarlett and John Boy himself, the mountains one and only eligible bachelor who aims to keep it that way....

Bayvendor Collectible Watches eBay Store "Girls? Is the coast clear?"

lucky3boyz eBay listings "I don't know yet cuz. I think I heard something in those bushes."

*gun shot fired*

*Louise goes to the bushes to look and holds something up*

Leon's Groovy Deals eBay Store "Aw it was jest a rabbit Thelma. Quit bein' so durn trigger happy!"

John Boy: "I hired you two MAN HATIN' cousins to protect me from all the other women folk on this mountain, not to shoot up all the varmits! But then again, rabbit stew sounds great for supper!"

*suddenly they hear the sound of hoot owls calling one another*

Louise: "Oh no! Run John Boy run! It's cousin Patsy Climbed Blog up in that tree! She's spotted ya and is alerting the others! Oh dear Thelma, do we have enough salt pellets?"

*John Boy runs for the hills while Thelma and Louise hold the posse of gals back. Some break through and chase after John Boy but Thelma pelts them full o' salt peter."

*sounds of screaming*

Thelma: "Aw get up you yellow bellies. It ain't gonna kill ya but it'll smart for a week or two. Now go home and leave John Boy be! Go on git!"

*somewhere in the background you hear Elvis music playing*

Will John Boy MAN up to being the "SMURFETTE" of the mountain?
The only one who can repopulate the whole Blog clan?

Did somebody in the audience just yell out "Atta boy Leroy!"?

Is it true that rabbit stew tastes just like chick'n?

Stayed tuned tomorrow for another scene from As the Blog Churns!


Simply click on the pictures of your choice of any 5 of the featured items posted after each scene of As the Blog Churns to find out who the sellers of those 5 items are and send your answers along with the SCENE NUMBER to astheblogchurns@peoplepc.com (or contact me via ebay) to be entered into a drawing to win a SOCK MONKEY.
Limit one entry per SCENE. Drawing to be held on Dec 31st.

BONUS: Any and all purchases from any of these sellers EBAY stores enters you into a 2nd Drawing for an additional Sock Monkey being given away on Dec. 20th AS LONG AS YOU NOTIFY ME at the above email address or notify me through ebay's "contact seller". Each and every purchase gives you another entry so NO LIMIT for this drawing. To see their entire stores click on their character icons or on an item listing pictured.

These sock monkeys are made from genuine Rockford Red Heel socks (purchased from whiteshastadaisy) and bear the distinct signature of the artist (me) on their hineys. They are limited edition designs and kin to Solicity Sock Monkey herself!

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