Thursday, October 4, 2007

DGS Colletibles and Etc.

You'll be hard pressed to convince me that there is a nicer shopkeeper than Darleen. I just wanna hunt her down and give her a big smoochie on the cheek for having such a big heart of gold.

And Solicity Sock Monkey (shameless plug here for my own creation) has a new best friend thanks to her. Pinkie, a pink pony on a stick! I watch them ride together for hours on end now and it gives me warm fuzzies inside. Thanks so much Darleen for making my sock monkey soooooo happy!

At DGS Collectible and Etc. she sells interesting stuff on Ebay and the prices can't be beat! Variety Store Items and Collectibles. Books, Antiques, Gifts and anything she finds that she can pass on to you at big savings.

So go there! Go there right now! ( * * * tapping my foot *** Are you there yet?)

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